Special Issue: The Global South: Incarceration and Resistance 

The Global South

The editors of this special issue of The Global South are seeking contributors whose work engages with questions of incarceration and movements for resistance and abolition. As many major works regarding the development of mass incarceration in the United States draw explicit links between the development of the prison and the legacies of U.S. slavery and Jim Crow practices, this issue is, rather (or also), interested in examining the development of the prison-industrial complex through a global south perspective. In 2001, Angela Y. Davis encouraged readers that “…in the era of the prison-industrial complex, activists must pose hard questions about the relationship between global capitalism and the spread of U.S.-style prisons throughout the world”—questions that have only become increasingly relevant today. We invite proposals that explore the developments of the role of prisons and other carceral spaces in conversation with global lineages of slavery and segregation, global capitalism/imperialism, practices of immigrant detainment, the environment, and national and transnational movements for resistance. We welcome broadened definitions of prison/confinement for articulating modes of state violence throughout the Global South; likewise, we welcome critical interrogations of contemporary terms and understandings of incarceration in the spirit of Dylan Rodríguez’s recent unpacking of the term “mass incarceration”.

 Possible Topics Include:
    •   Private prison industries across the Global South
    •   Global explorations of the development of prisons and grassroots resistance strategies.
    •   Global South prison abolitionist movements
    •   Analyses of gender, race, sexuality, and class (or the intersections thereof) relations within carceral systems
    •   State and post-industrial/late capitalist turns toward prison and prison construction
    •   Global, anti-imperial/anti-colonial abolitionist visions and practices
    •   Prison regimes beyond U.S. prison prototype
    •   Examination of the “direct links between “corporate globalization and the Prison-Industrial Complex” (Berger et al)
    •   Refugeeism, Global South refugees, detention centers, and global southern spaces of confinement
    •   Global South prisons and COVID-19

This issue is slated for publication in Fall 2023, so contributors will have a calendar year to draft their complete 7,000-10,000-word essays. Please send abstracts of up to 500 words (in MLA style) and a 100-word biographical statement to guest editors Juyeon Jang and Allison M. Serraes, at and, by June 1, 2021.